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Оппозиции [± дейксис], [± дистанция] и [± дискретность] в морфологии болгарского и английского глаголов

TitleОппозиции [± дейксис], [± дистанция] и [± дискретность] в морфологии болгарского и английского глаголов
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsЧвани, КВ
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics

The morphology of Bulgarian verb forms reflects a basic semantic dichotomy: on the left are the categories of Modus actionis (aspects and epistemic moods), followed by the deictic (but not necessarily shifter) categories of Modus dicendi (tense, taxis and status). The theory of grammatical oppositions provides an explanation for certain stylistic possibilities of Bulgarian and English, with no need to posit additional exotic categories specific to Bulgarian. The uniqueness of Bulgarian lies in the extremely economical arrangement of the inherited Slavic morphemes and their meanings in oppositions of three kinds: privative, subordinative, and the combination of these basic oppositions into equipollent ones.

Citation KeyЧвани1990